Visit Us – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

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Request a Legend Fitness Facility Tour

In the market for new strength and fitness equipment? Come visit our Knoxville, TN facility to see how Legend Fitness strength equipment is made, and pull a few reps in our fully stocked showroom.

If you are looking to purchase new strength and fitness equipment and considering Legend Fitness, we offer a unique opportunity for those in or near Knoxville, Tennessee… a chance to see how our equipment is made. Please use the link below to request a tour of our facility and showroom. Tours typically take 30 minutes to an hour, but are booked in hour blocks to allow plenty of time for questions.

Please note, tours are not for solicitors.

If you are looking to forge a partnership with Legend Fitness, please reach out to to discuss.

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Tour requests may be denied based on information provided.

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