lat pulldown – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

March 10, 2017

The Modular Cage System: Fusion 1 Module

We did a brief overview of the Fusion 1 Inside Lat Pulldown/Seated Row Module (3268-F1) in our blog post outlining the Modular Cage System, but each of the Fusion Modules bears a more in-depth post. The Fusion 1 module is one of our more unique modules, and it is quickly gaining popularity among high school…

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August 31, 2016

Introducing the SelectEDGE Cable Crossover Plus

The SelectEDGE line from Legend Fitness is expanding once again with the addition of the Cable Crossover Plus, a sleek multi-user machine perfect for busy fitness centers or training facilities. The SelectEDGE Cable Crossover Plus hits all the high notes of the SelectEDGE line—partially hidden cables, available in a multitude of colors with two-tone upholstery…

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