Woodhaven High School – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA
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Woodhaven High School

Woodhaven High School in Michigan is decked out in Legend Fitness equipment. Here you will find 8 Pro Series Power Cages, 8 Pro Series Self Adjusting Three-Way Benches, 4 Horizontal Bumper Racks, 3 Tongue and Groove Lifting Platforms, 3 Olympic Flat Benches, 3 Olympic Incline Benches, 2 Three-Way Utility Benches, 2 Ten Pair Hex Head Dumbbell Racks, 2 Angled Leg Presses, a Ten Barbell Rack, a Standing Calf Raise, a Pro Series Push/Pull Sled, a LeverEDGE Shoulder Press, a Neck Machine and a Cable Crossover Plus.

The machinery is finished in Purple Wave and Jet Black with Black upholstery. Custom logos can be found on the platforms and benches.

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