Waubonsee Community College – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA
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Waubonsee Community College

Waubonsee Community College has an athletics department that rivals some larger schools. Their Legend-equipped weight room has a little bit of everything to help support everything from basketball and volleyball to tennis and soccer. Key LeverEDGE pieces and various other selectorized and plate-loaded pieces sit alongside Pro Series Power Cages, a Smith Machine, Destroyers, and Functional Trainers. All of that means this weight room is jam-packed with a variety of machines perfect for helping train athletes involved in various sports. And of course, we supplied them with all of the necessary storage for dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, and more. We helped secure their cardio equipment too, including treadmills, ellipticals, and bikes.

All equipment was finished with Red Rock and Textured Black powder coat finishes with Black upholstery.

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