University of Dayton – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA
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University of Dayton

"The Olsen Center is one of the largest and best-equipped performance enhancement centers in the country. Our student-athletes will be healthier and our teams will be even more competitive because they train in a facility that has been designed and built to suit every aspect of strength and conditioning."

Joe Owens, UD Associate Director of Athletics for Performance Enhancement

Legend was awarded the primary strength contract for this, the University of Dayton’s new multi-million dollar, 10,000 square foot, state-of-the-art training facility. The Olsen Athletics Performance Center will be used by all 17 of the university’s sports programs, and as such needed to be equipped to appeal to several disciplines of athletic development.

According to data from the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the Olsen Athletics Performance Center is in the upper fourth quartile in size of all strength and conditioning facilities nationwide (including I A schools).  The center has nearly twice as many Olympic lifting platform areas as the national average.

Equipment provided included 3130 GHDs, horizontal bumper racks, dumbbell racks with customized dumbbells ranging from 5 to 120 pounds, Pro Reverse Hypers, Pro Series Half Cages with side-to-side Cage Connectors, Pro Series Modular Half Cages with Fusion 2 and Fusion 3 inserts and side-to-side Cage Connectors, and custom logos all around.

All items finished in Mars Red, Olympia White and Patriot Blue. Upholstery is American Beauty Red and Black.

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