The Studio – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA
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The Studio

In west Knoxville, there’s a little training facility that’s cram-packed with Legend excellence. It’s called, simply, The Studio and it’s owned by former WBFF figure pro Carlene Steenekamp.

The Studio offers a variety of services targeted at general weight loss, sports nutrition, pre/post natal health, competition prep & athletic performance. Basically, if you’re interested in achieving an overall healthy lifestyle, Carlene can get you there and there will probably be some Legend equipment involved.

SelectEDGE equipment shown in Ebony Chrome with American Beauty/Greystone pads. Pro Series Half Cage shown in Textured Black with Jet Black crossmembers and attachments. Three-Way benches shown in Textured Black and Platinum Sparkle with American Beauty/Greystone pads. Dumbbell racks shown in Jet Black. Standing Bicep/Tricep Combo shown in Textured Black.

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