Spoon River Snappers – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA
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Spoon River Snappers

When the Spoon River College in Canton, Illinois started looking to outfit their weight room, they knew Legend Fitness was going to be the best option when it came to coordinating colors and offering the best equipment to suit their needs. The Snappers’ weight training facility includes a great variety of Legend Fitness pieces, including some popular SelectEDGE and LeverEDGE. Custom post decals, the Snappers logo embroidered on wear guards, and two tone finish (Patriot Blue and Ebony Chrome) with coordinating upholstery really helps pull everything together in a room decked out in the Spoon River College colors.

Legend Fitness also helped secure the cardio equipment, weights, kettlebells, medicine balls, and other accessories for this space, giving the Spoon River College Snappers a fully-stocked weight room.

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