O’Gorman High School – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA
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O’Gorman High School

O’Gorman High School’s weight room includes a few Pro Series Glute/Ham Developers, an Angle Leg Press, an Eight Stack Jungle, several Dumbbell Racks, three Four-Way Utility Benches, a Total Hip Combo, two Leg Extension/Leg Curl machines, four Pro Series Double-Sided Half Cages, and four Pro Series Self-Adjusting Three-Way Benches. Protecting the floor is Everlast UltraTile with custom logos.

All Legend Fitness equipment is finished with Jet Black and Post Office Blue with either Black or Royal Blue upholstery. The O’Gorman shield is custom embroidered on wearguards for benches and pin select machines.

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