Musselman High School – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA
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Musselman High School

Musselman High School in West Virginia is home of the Applemen. It’s also home to a fully stocked athletic training center that’s at the core of its robust athletics program.  The Applemen opted for Pro Series Modular Half Cages and took full advantage of the Modular System, adding connectors for rigidity and Fusion 5 Half Cage Modules to create custom double-sided cages. Then came the Fusion 4 Destroyer Arms, Landmines, and Dip Attachments. Custom decal nameplates bring the whole thing together. Elsewhere in the weight room, they added a Belt Squat, Three-Way Utility Benches, a Pro Series Push/Pull Power Sled, a SelectEDGE Cable Crossover Plus, and two Pro Series GHDH Combo machines. How do you like them apples?

All Legend equipment is finished in Evergreen with Candy Apple Red upholstery.

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