Joint Reserve Training Center – Lubbock, TX – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA
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Joint Reserve Training Center – Lubbock, TX

Here are glimpses of the Joint Reserve Training Center in Lubbock, Texas. This facility is primarily used by a Marine Company of the 6th Motor Transport Battalion, but is also used by Army reservists and the National Guard. The Legend Fitness pieces that were installed here are unique in that they were the first to be powder coated in a pale shade of Desert Yellow and the first to be upholstered with a Desert Camo pattern on the pads.

“I ordered the equipment because physical fitness is an essential part of being a military man/woman,” says 1st Sergeant Aaron McDonald. “Can you carry 60-90 lbs. on your back for several miles in harsh temps? Drop your gear at the sound of a shot fired, fight with armor on and win? If need be, (can you) pick up a 200 lb. Marine and carry him/her out of danger, under fire? If you’re not prepared to do that, then you are not physically ready. This is the mindset we have.”

The men and women here at Legend Fitness World Headquarters are nothing if not patriots, so we swell with pride to know that we are doing our part to prepare a Marine Company that has been deploying in support of the war in Iraq since 2003.

Semper Fi!

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