D1 Cincinnati – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA
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D1 Cincinnati

Legend Fitness is our sole provider for all of our equipment needs. They share our sense of dedication to outstanding quality and impeccable service and we don't trust anyone else in the industry with that responsibility.

Kurt Hester

Director of Strength Training, D1 Sports Training

As the exclusive supplier of equipment to D1 Sports Training, one of the fastest growing and most highly respected chains of sports training facilities in the US, we are proud to supply each new D1 location with the usual complement of Pro Series Half Cages with Pro Series Self-Adjusting Benches, in the usual D1 color scheme of Jet Black with Mars Red crossmembers and attachments, as well as Pro Series GHDs, Functional Trainers, Belt Squats, storage solutions for dumbbells and kettlebells and more, also in Mars Red.

Click here to see the blog post on D1’s website.

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