Cowley Community College – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA
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Cowley Community College

“I really like the appeal, durability and consistency in the quality of the equipment. This equipment will allow us to adopt some of the modern training techniques and yet still be able to perform older training techniques and programs. This will broaden our spectrum for strength and conditioning.”

Sam Vogele

Cowley College Strength and Conditioning Coach (CSCS)

Cowley Community College is a two-year college located in Arkansas City, Kansas. Cowley has a robust athletic department, and when they needed to outfit their Hafner Center weight room, Legend was there with the equipment they needed to support their teams. The Tigers found everything they needed, from dumbbells and Olympic plates to Pro Series Half Cages and utility benches… and then some.

Finished in Organic Orange with Jet Black accents and upholstery, along with custom wearguard embroidery and platform logos, the Cowley Community College weight room is definitely something to behold.

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