Beach Island Fitness – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA
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Beach Island Fitness

One of the best ways to spend a summer day in the Southeast is to while away the day on a huge TVA-supplied lake. One of the most popular lakes in the TVA system is Norris Lake. Renowned for its clear waters (as far as lakes go) and cleanliness, Norris Lake draws people not only from all over East Tennessee, but from Kentucky and Ohio as well. With over 700 miles of shoreline, this lake extends into five counties. In the Union County portion of that lake, Beach Island Marina & Resort offers the usual marina stuff, but also a sports bar. If you eat and drink too much at that sports bar, and want to work it off right away, they also have a surprisingly well-optioned fitness center. Pin select, plate-loaded, free weights and body weight devices are in ample supply. Oh, and some SportsArt cardio stuff too.

Take a look at the pics and notice the subdued Silver Vein finish and the black pads with custom embroidery.

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