Alcoa High School – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA
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Alcoa High School

Alcoa High School installed a beautiful, spacious weight room with top-of-the-line Legend equipment. Here you will find six Pro Series Double-Sided Half Cages with docking systems and connecting Crossmembers, twelve Legend Power Bars and twelve Three-Way Utility Benches. Away from the cages, they have two Lat Pulldown/Low Row Combos, a Leg Extension/Leg Curl, three Glute Hams with Split Pads and an Angled Leg Press. Weights are stored neatly with two Ten Pair Hex Head Dumbbell Racks and a Six Pair Hex Head Dumbbell Rack. The equipment is finished in Wine Red and Ebony Chrome with Claret upholstery.

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