Purchasing Made Easier Through Co-Ops – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Purchasing Made Easier Through Co-Ops

Streamline Your Purchase Now

Legend Fitness is an approved vendor of BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing, National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA), and TIPS-USA.

Legend Fitness is an approved vendor of BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing, National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA), and TIPS-USA. These entities are National Purchasing Cooperatives which have been designed to allow schools and government organizations to streamline their purchases. In other words, they allow schools to bypass the bidding process while maintaining peace of mind in knowing they’re guaranteed exceptional service, unmatched product quality, and the lowest possible prices.

If your school or organization needs anything for the weight room–whether it’s strength equipment, a few bars and bumpers, or a new floor–then don’t hesitate to reach out! Your Legend Fitness rep will be able to guide you through the purchasing process especially if you need to utilize the benefits of a purchasing cooperative.

Co Op Logos: BuyBoard, NCPA, and TIPS-USA

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