Utility Flat Bench – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Utility Flat Bench

Model #3100

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Utility Flat Bench

Model #3100



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Pad measures 45½ by 10½ inches.
  • Pad height is 19 inches from the floor.
  • Bench Transport option available.


The Utility Flat perfect in its simplicity.

A frame fully welded out of 3×3-inch steel tubes means there are no bolts to come loose and no assembly required. It also means that the strength of the bench is well beyond what anyone can ask of it. Load capacity? To be honest we’re not even sure because we know that even the strongest human frame will fail before it will.

The pad is constructed by our master craftsmen out of a CNC-machined ¾-inch thick backing board with radiused edges. Adhered to that is dense (8 lbs. per cubic foot) open cell rebond foam. Comfy, but not too soft, and built to last. All this is snugly, expertly encased in 32 oz., marine-grade, stain resistant, double top-stitched vinyl.

There’s nothing to add because it is perfect in purpose and execution. Well, except for maybe the Bench Transport Option, which welds a couple of wheels and a handle with a foam rubber grip, but outside of that – perfect.

Utility Flat Bench 3100 Dimensions

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