LeverEDGE Unilateral Trap Shrug/Lunge/Deadlift – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

LeverEDGE Unilateral Trap Shrug/Lunge/Deadlift

Model #6008

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LeverEDGE Unilateral Trap Shrug/Lunge/Deadlift

Model #6008



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Adjustable handle angle for inward- or outward-facing exercises.
  • Dual handles for narrow or wide grip positioning.
  • Extra long loading pegs hold 7+ plates.
  • Upholstered split squat ankle rollers adjust for length.
  • No-cost two-tone powder coat.


The LeverEDGE Unilateral Trap Shrug/Lunge/Deadlift (which we usually just call the 6008) has proven to be the best selling member of the LeverEDGE lineup. Why? There are three reasons:

  1. It is the most versatile piece of equipment in the LeverEDGE line. Users are able to work both the upper and lower body as they do deadlifts, trap shrugs, squats, weighted lunges, and even push presses and tricep dips. The height- and angle-adjustable handles allow users to face inward or outward for various exercises without awkward wrist angles or weird starting heights.
  2. Those padded rollers in the middle are what make the 6008 a first in the marketplace. They are densely padded and upholstered ankle rollers, and they facilitate split squats and split lunges. IFBB figure pro Carlene Steenekamp says, “They hit my glutes in a way that no other gym device ever has.”
  3. Even for a reasonably priced line of equipment, the 6008 is on the even-more-affordable end of the scale.

There are more reasons the LeverEDGE Unilateral Trap Shrug/Lunge/Deadlift is great. Read on for those… or you can also scroll down to see it in action.

Made for heavy lifters

There are four chrome-plated Olympic bar-sized weight storage pegs that keep plates handy for rapid adjustments between sets. Especially handy in a piece like this, since trap shrugs, deadlifts and the like usually involve a lot of weight. For the bigger brutes, athletes, and bodybuilders out there, you can load up nine plates on each lever arm.

Each lever arm weighs 30 pounds without plates on it.

Versatile positioning & extra comfort

Each handle is adjustable for both height and angle. This allows users to set a high starting height for trap shrugs or move down low for deadlifts. The angle is adjustable so the user can face in or out. The dual handles provide a wider grip for larger users, and a narrow grip for smaller folks.

As mentioned above, the unique ankle rollers offer even more versatility. Rest a leg here while facing outward to do split squats and split lunges. You can even rest both thighs on them while facing inward to do tricep dips.

Built Legend Strong

Built using the same heavy-duty materials as the rest of the LeverEDGE lineup, the 6008 was built for rigidity. Two-tone powder coat is a no-cost option on the LeverEDGE Unilateral Trap Shrug/Lunge/Deadlift.

There is a poster available for this item in our Resources section. Click here to download it now. There is also a blog post featuring this item, which can be found here.

LeverEDGE Trap Shrug/Lunge/Deadlift

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  • Two-Tone Powder Coat Finish (no cost option)
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