Ultimate Preacher Curl – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Ultimate Preacher Curl

Model #3114-PS

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Ultimate Preacher Curl

Model #3114-PS



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Six resistance band pegs.
  • Chrome plated, Olympic peg plate storage.
  • Arm pad adjustable for height.
  • Durable, thick padding.


Take our already outstanding seated preacher curl with its welded construction, correct geometry and high density padding, then add a welded forward extension with chrome plated weight storage and resistance band pegs for the ultimate in focused arm strength training. The resistance band anchor points allow users to vary their routine and reach for more strength than ever before, while the attached weight storage reduces the time between sets. In the end, you have a device dedicated to making your arms explode. But in a good way.

Supplied with chrome-plated weight pegs, ABS wearguards in the bar catches, and a 55-degree angle on the arm pad.

3114 Preacher Curl Dimensions

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