Ten Barbell Rack – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Ten Barbell Rack

Model #3149

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Ten Barbell Rack

Model #3149



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Wearguards on frame and pegs.
  • Fully welded for maximum durability.
  • 3×3-inch 11 gauge frame.


The Ten Barbell Rack is made from 3- by 3-inch tubing welded into a single piece for the ultimate in rigidity. Since there are no bolts, setup is simple and there’s basically no maintenance. The frame-welded pegs line both sides to accommodate ten barbells. Both the frame uprights and the pegs themselves are lined with ABS plastic to protect knurling on bars when they are not in use.

Need half the amount of storage? Our Five Barbell Rack is what you’re looking for.

3149 Ten Barbell Rack

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