Standing Preacher Curl – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Standing Preacher Curl

Model #3166

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Standing Preacher Curl

Model #3166



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Contoured arm pad is densely cushioned with 2-inch thick foam.
  • Adjustable up to 58 inches.
  • Chrome plated adjustment surfaces.
  • Fully welded for maximum rigidity, strength, and durability.


Sometimes simplicity is a virtue. You can’t beat the basics and the Standing Preacher is right there. The arm pad is at a 55-degree angle, two-feet wide and heavily padded with two-inch thick dense foam, which is contoured over the top and into the chest area to allow comfort and support. It also adjusts all the way up to a height of 58 inches. Solid construction and quality components make choosing Legend Fitness an easy decision.

3166 Standing Preacher Curl Dimensions

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