Short Two-Tier Kettlebell Rack – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Short Two-Tier Kettlebell Rack

Model #3257

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Short Two-Tier Kettlebell Rack

Model #3257



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Only a 32-inch high lift over height.
  • Fully welded for maximum durability.
  • Trays welded from heavy duty quarter-inch-thick angled steel.
  • Rubber tray liner protect finish.


Stop tucking your kettlebells underneath your dumbbell racks. Get them up off the floor and onto a fully welded rack with rubber-lined trays. The Short Two-Tier Kettlebell Rack has a low lift-over height of just 32 inches. The 40-inch long trays provide plenty of storage space for your kettlebells, all in a reasonable footprint.

Need even more storage? There’s a Short Three-Tier Kettlebell Rack that has the same footprint and a similarly low lift-over height.

3257 Short Kettlebell Rack Dimensions

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