Short Two-Tier Hex Head Dumbbell Rack – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Short Two-Tier Hex Head Dumbbell Rack

Model #3170

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Short Two-Tier Hex Head Dumbbell Rack

Model #3170



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Can hold up to six pairs of hex head dumbbells.
  • ABS polymer tray liners.
  • Fully welded for maximum rigidity, strength and durability.


The Short Two-Tier Hex Head Dumbbell Rack is the compact storage solution for hex head dumbbells. This is a two-tier design for up to six pairs of dumbbells. Its features include tough ABS polymer tray liners and fully welded construction. The trays are made from heavy-duty, quarter-inch-thick angled steel, and the rest is 3- by 3-inch, 11 gauge steel. It’s all fully welded together, so there are no nuts or bolts to loosen over time. In other words, this is a rack that will never break, bend, sag or even shake. Small but mighty, indeed!

3170 6 Pair Hex Head Dumbbell Rack Dimensions

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