Seated Leg Press – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Seated Leg Press

Model #931

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Seated Leg Press

Model #931



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Adjustable backrest pad.
  • Places lifting pressure on low back instead of shoulders.
  • Aviation-grade cabling.
  • Smooth and tough linear bearings operate on solid steel guide rods.


Maintaining proper form while performing the squatting motion is essential to safety, and the Seated Leg Press has features that make that possible. The Seated Leg Press is nearly identical to our Supine Leg Press, but instead has a three-inch-thick back pad that places the lifting pressure on the lumbar region instead of the shoulders. The frame is more welds than bolts, which means that it will not loosen much over time and there is absolutely no frame flex during the exercise. The closed linear bearings glide on 1.25-inch solid steel rods, which provide consistent smoothness and less long-term maintenance.

Weight stack information

The Seated Leg Press comes standard with a 300-pound weight stack made up of 20-pound plates. A 400-pound weight stack upgrade is also available.

931 Seated Leg Press Dimensions

NOTE: The feet of all pin select machines now feature 3.5 x 3-inch bolt-down tabs for enhanced safety and stability. The dimensions stated here properly reflect this change, but the bolt-down tabs may not be pictured in the photos above.

We reserve the right to make running changes to products in cases where performance or production processes can be improved. This may result in slight physical differences that may not be reflected in the photographs found here.

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