Seated Leg Curl – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Seated Leg Curl

Model #956

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Seated Leg Curl

Model #956



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Upholstered rollers.
  • Fully welded frame.
  • Adjustable seat back.
  • Aviation-grade cabling.


The Seated Leg Curl does just one thing, but it does it superbly. You can isolate and train your hamstrings like never before thanks to the unique exercise position. The thigh roller pad keeps you stabilized as you perform a full-range movement, set after set, workout after workout.

Performance, quality and durability make the Seated Leg Curl an obvious choice. Designed to have minimal nuts and bolts, for extra rigidity, the Seated Leg Curl requires minimal maintenance. The leg rollers, and seat are made with hand-stitched, high quality upholstery. The foam coated grab handles make it easy to maintain stability during reps. The weight stack is easily accessible from the seated position. Aviation-grade cables combined with high quality pulleys keep things smooth from start to finish.

Weight stack information

The Seated Leg Curl comes with a 150 pound weight stack. You can also upgrade the weight stack to 200 pounds or 250 pounds.

Are you looking for a machine that combines leg extension and leg curl capabilities? Check out our Leg Extension/Leg Curl Combo! There’s also the Standing Leg Curl for a slightly different take on the leg curl exercise.


956 Seated Leg Curl Dimensions

NOTE: The feet of all pin select machines now feature 3.5 x 3-inch bolt-down tabs for enhanced safety and stability. The dimensions stated here properly reflect this change, but the bolt-down tabs may not be pictured in the photos above.

We reserve the right to make running changes to products in cases where performance or production processes can be improved. This may result in slight physical differences that may not be reflected in the photographs found here.

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