Rear Delt/Pec Fly Combo – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Rear Delt/Pec Fly Combo

Model #942

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Rear Delt/Pec Fly Combo

Model #942



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Unilateral , pivoting arms adjust to arm length.
  • Dual position hand grips.
  • Starting position is adjustable over a 90° range.
  • Two pop pins to switch between delts and pecs.


The Rear Delt/Pec Fly Combo is a machine is ready to hit your upper body like nothing else! The arms move independently and pivot, adjusting to individual arm length seamlessly. In addition to pivoting arms the Rear Delt/Pec Fly Combo offers adjustable seat height, making it even easier for users of all statures to use it. The dual position hand grips promote a more specific isolation and reduce wrist torque. The starting position is adjustable over a 90 degree range, making it easy to limit range of motion if you have an existing injury. Work on isolating the pectorals, then move two pop pins and work the delts!

The Rear Delt/Pec Fly Combo is fully welded, like most Legend Fitness machines. The only bolts you’ll find on this machine are at the pivot point. This piece ships fully assembled and is as solid as it can be. That means less maintenance, too.

The Rear Delt/Pec Fly Combo features 2:1 reduction. This means that any selected weight will feel lighter by half due to an additional pulley between the user and the weight stack.

Weight stack information

A 150-pound weight stack with 10-pound plates is standard. Upgrades to 200-pound, 250-pound, or 300-pound weight stacks are available, all in 10-pound increments.

942 Rear Delt/Pec Fly Combo Dimensions

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