Pro Series Prone High Row – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Pro Series Prone High Row

Model #3225

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Pro Series Prone High Row

Model #3225


“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor
  • Focuses on the upper/mid back, rear delts, and triceps.
  • Allows for back workouts in spite of lower back issues.
  • Recommended for use with cambered bar.
  • Adjustable bar catches.


The Pro Series Prone High Row is a unique device that allows the user the hit the upper/mid back, rear deltoids, triceps, and trapezoids like nothing else, while fully supporting the torso. This full torso support helps isolate the targeted muscles and even allows users with lower back injuries to continue to build strength. Adjustable, fully welded bar catches accommodate users of all sizes. Recommended for use with cambered bars.

3225 PRO SERIES Prone High Row Dimensions

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