Performance Series Power Cage – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Performance Series Power Cage

Model #3133

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Performance Series Power Cage

Model #3133



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Offers all the safety of an enclosed cage design, plus plate storage.
  • Inner dimensions are 42 inches wide by 58 inches deep.
  • Each side is a single welded piece for the ultimate in rigidity.
  • Two pull-up bars, one is 1¼-inch in diameter, the other is 2 inches in diameter.
  • 2-inch hole spacing with laser-cut numbering.
  • Chrome-plated, Olympic-size weight storage pegs.


The foundation of our Performance Series line of American made cages, the Power Cage has the most accessories and options of any cage in the Legend lineup. Fabricated entirely of big, beefy 3″ square tubing, the Power Cage has tons of features. Hole spacing on the uprights is 2″ center-to-center to maximize adjustability. There’s 42 inches of room inside the massive uprights, 12 welded chrome pegs stand out in the rear for weight storage, the five-piece welded J-hooks are the strongest in the industry, a chin bar is up top, and it has a strong, wide base that is five feet from front to rear. Also, when used with a Three-Way Utility Bench, every major lift can be accomplished in one location. It would be quicker to list the exercises you CAN’T do with this cage.

NOTE: On Performance Series cages, all attachments are in the Silver Vein finish. When the Two-Tone Powder Coat Finish option is selected, this allows a second color to be applied to the crossmembers only. However, if the Monster Hooks option is selected along with the Two-Tone option, the second color can then also be applied to the hooks and safety arms.

3133 Performance Series Power Cage Dimensions

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