Performance Plyo Cushion Set – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Performance Plyo Cushion Set

Model #3231

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Performance Plyo Cushion Set

Model #3231



“American Made in the USA with American Labor


  • Provides seven height options, from six to 42 inches.
  • Engages stabilization muscles more than traditional steel boxes.
  • Removing the risk of shin pain encourages the user to attempt higher jumps, resulting in greater gains.
  • Round design eliminates unstable corner landings.
  • Available in red, blue, or black only.


One of the most popular and effective plyometric tools that Legend Fitness offers are the Performance Plyo Cushions. But don’t let the name mislead you. These aren’t fancy pillows or a distant cousin of that vinyl ottoman your grandpa put his feet up on. These are actually really clever plyo devices with a lot of thoughtful touches. Let’s introduce them to you through a series of FAQs.


  • Our Performance Plyo Cushion Set is constructed from a very firm, dense foam. Try to pillow fight with these and you’ll leave a mark. They are, after all, meant to withstand big heavy dudes jumping on them.
  • The skins on the Performance Plyo Cushions are crafted from a heavy duty material that can withstand the repeated beatings of linebacker bunny hops. The grid pattern texture offers additional traction for when they get sweaty.


  • While they may not necessarily be soft, they do “give” more than wood or steel plyo boxes. This means the user makes minute adjustments with their ankles and knees, strengthening connective tissue along the way and requiring greater participation from stabilization muscles.
  • The “give” of the Performance Plyo Cushion results in a low-impact exercise, especially when leaping from one plyo segment to another.
  • Since they aren’t made from shin-scraping steel or wood, the user is encouraged to dig deeper and attempt higher jumps, resulting in greater gains.
  • The stiff foam provides a rebound effect for non-bouncing D-balls up to 100 pounds in weight.


  • In direct contrast to those of many competitors, the Performance Plyo Cushion Set cushions aren’t square. The round form means there isn’t a stability compromise if you were to land on the edge. Put all of your weight on the corner of a foam square, and you risk doing the Humpty onto your head.

What does the set include?

  • The Performance Plyo Cushion Set consists of three pieces of varying heights: six, 12 and 24 inches. They can be mixed and matched to provide you with seven height options for your exercises, up to 42 inches. Enormous Velcro tabs around the edges secure the segments to one another, so it’s not a game of jump and slide.
  • They are available in red, blue, or black only.

There is a blog post featuring this product. Read it here.



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