Multi Press – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Multi Press

Model #963

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Multi Press

Model #963



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Flat bench press, two angles of incline presses, and a military press in one.
  • Backrest angles: 30°, 45°, and 75°.
  • Five arm positions and two sets of handles.


The pin select Multi Press gives  you the ability to perform a flat bench press, two incline press movements, and a military press, simply by adjusting the backrest to 30°, 45° or 75°. The arm of the Multi Press features five starting positions and two sets of handles for maximum workout capabilities. The weigh stack is easily accessible and all adjustments are made with pop pins. Explore the possibilities with this machine and see the results right before your eyes.

Weight stack information

A 200-pound weight stack is standard with this item, but upgrades to 250 and 300 pounds are available.

963 Multi Press Dimensions

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