Monolift with Plate Storage – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Monolift with Plate Storage

Model #3908

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Monolift with Plate Storage

Model #3908



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Exceeds all IPF standards.
  • Extra wide, 73-inch lifting area.
  • Absence of lower rear crossmember provides more room for the spotter to operate.
  • Hooks/hangers easily slide for width adjustment via linear bearings.
  • Hangers are constructed from a single piece of uncut steel that encircle the mounting point above.
  • Chrome-plated Olympic plate storage pegs are welded through the uprights.
  • Upper assembly is fully welded for maximum strength and to ensure proper geometry during setup.
  • Upper assembly tilts on bearings, rather than using a bolt as the pivot point.


Monolifts, are by their very purpose, very serious devices, and the Legend Fitness Monolift with Plate Storage certainly looks the part. To endure the sorts of loads that powerlifters demand, you expect to find features like a frame built from 4×4-inch, 11 gauge tubing. But a massive-looking frame is only a part of what makes a monolift. To understand how strong a monolift is, you also must look at every component between the hooks and the frame as well. We were shocked at some of the weak points found when we examined some of the monolifts that were already on the market.

What makes the Legend Fitness Monolift with Plate Storage different?

The Monolift with Plate Storage has no such concerns. Each hook is constructed from a 1.25- by 1.5-inch tube welded in between two pieces of laser-cut, 3/8-inch steel plate that completely encircle a short span, 1-inch solid steel rod above. The contact points on the hook are 1.5-inch thick ultra-high molecular weight (UHMW) polymer. This protects the knurling on bars and helps absorb impact energy in emergency situations. These contact points are secured by five 1/2-inch bolts, making them easily replaceable. The width between the hooks can be smoothly adjusted thanks to linear bearings rolling on chrome-plated steel. To top it all off (literally) the entire upper assembly is fully welded. This also ensures that all the geometry is ultra-rigid and square before someone steps underneath. It all tilts on tough, pillow block bearings.

Other expected features are there. Things like a smooth-operating pump jack and a thick safety pin with height settings in 25 increments. There are also resistance band pegs, web strap safeties. Even robust bar catches that quickly fall back. Some features on the Monolift with Plate Storage that are less common include class-leading efforts to maximize strength and rigidity. There is abundant plate storage on fully welded, chrome-plated Olympic pegs and UHMW-encased storage pegs for bands, chains, etc. There’s also plenty of room for a spotter for extra safety.

It took us a little while to bring a monolift to the market, but we wanted to make sure that when we did, it represented the best that the market had to offer.

Also available without plate storage as item 3907.

There is a blog post written about this product. Read it here. There is also a flyer available for download here.

3908 Monolift Dimensions

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