Lying Chest Press – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Lying Chest Press

Model #972

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Lying Chest Press

Model #972



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • 45.5 x 10.5-inch pad with dense padding and top-stitched upholstery.
  • Safely perform chest presses without the need of a spotter.
  • Aviation-grade cabling.
  • PowerMax glass-reinforced nylon pulleys prolong cable life.


The pin select Lying Chest Press allows for a user to perform a flat bench press without the need for a spotter. The bent tube handle was designed with a center pull for constant and even resistance. The weight stack is easily accessible from the workout position, so adjustments can easily be made between sets. The foam grip handles and thickly upholstered bench keep you comfortable during your workout so you can push through that one last rep. This is a great machine for a space that wants to offer chest work, but may not have the room for a bench, bars, and plates.

weight stack information

The Lying Chest Press comes with a 200-pound weight stack. Heavy lifters who need more can upgrade to 250 or 300 pounds.

 972 Lying Chest Press Dimensions

NOTE: The feet of all pin select machines now feature 3.5 x 3-inch bolt-down tabs for enhanced safety and stability. The dimensions stated here properly reflect this change, but the bolt-down tabs may not be pictured in the photos above.

We reserve the right to make running changes to products in cases where performance or production processes can be improved. This may result in slight physical differences that may not be reflected in the photographs found here.

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