Legend Fitness Power Bar – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Legend Fitness Power Bar


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Legend Fitness Power Bar



“American Made in the USA with American Labor

  • 100% made in the USA
  • Medium knurl texture
  • Center knurling
  • Dual Oilite bronze bushings
  • 28.5 mm bar diameter
  • Dual snap ring ends per sleeve
  • Maximum tensile strength: 190K
  • Maximum yield strength: 175K
  • Bright zinc-plated sleeves
  • Bright zinc-plated bar
  • Olympic/powerlifting marks
  • Medium whip


Finally, a bar worthy of the Legend Fitness name, the Legend Fitness Power Bar is machined, tested and manufactured in the USA. Thoughtful details make this a bar for discerning athletes. It has excellent strength and whip characteristics combined with high-quality bushings.

Both the bar and sleeves on this model feature a bright zinc finish. The bar itself has a medium-rise knurl that’s not too sharp, not too flat. Each sleeve features long 16.5-inch plate load areas; a beveled, one-inch-thick collar; and dual Oilite bushings that provide a good amount of spin. Total length is 86.75 inches.

There’s a moderate amount of whip for Olympic movements. Carefully selected alloys have resulted in a bar with an impressive tensile strength of 190,000 pounds and a yield strength of 175,000 pounds while maintaining a very competitive price.

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