Lat Pulldown – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Lat Pulldown

Model #905

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Lat Pulldown

Model #905



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Knee rollers are fully upholstered and adjust to user height.
  • Frame is fully welded for the maximum in rigidity, strength and durability.
  • ABS wearguards up high protect finish from bar dings.
  • Steel stack shrouds.
  • Aviation-grade cabling.


While we didn’t invent the Lat Pulldown, we’ve been working on trying to perfect it. This pin select version is pretty darn close! The dual thigh roller pads adjust easily for locking in proper stability without sacrificing comfort. The included chrome-plated revolving lat bar helps reduce wrist strain. Heavy duty steel, superior components, and top-notch craftsmanship means that all you need to do to get ahead is go right back to the basics.

Weight stack info

The Lat Pulldown comes standard with a 200 pound weight stack in 10 pound increments. Upgrade to 250 or 300 pounds (also in 10-pound increments) if that’s not enough weight.

905 Lat Pulldown Dimensions

NOTE: The feet of all pin select machines now feature 3.5 x 3-inch bolt-down tabs for enhanced safety and stability. The dimensions stated here properly reflect this change, but the bolt-down tabs may not be pictured in the photos above.

We reserve the right to make running changes to products in cases where performance or production processes can be improved. This may result in slight physical differences that may not be reflected in the photographs found here.

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