Dip/Chin/Ab/Push-Up – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA


Model #3153

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Model #3153



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Three-position pull-up bar with rubber coated grips.
  • Knee/leg lift station with dip grips.
  • Elevated push-up handles.
  • Fully welded frame for maximum rigidity, strength and durability.


The Dip/Chin/Ab/Push-Up is one serious multi-tasker! It has a three-position pull-up bar, featuring neutral grip, wide grip, and standard grip. There is a knee lift station with four elbow pads and a lumber pad. Two grips in the front of the knee lift station provide a spot to do tricep dips, and down low is an elevated dip station. All of the handles and gripping surfaces are covered in high-density foam rubber for comfort and less slipping. The stepping surfaces have grip tape on them so there’s no slipping and sliding during mounting or dismounting.

Like most Legend Fitness products, the Dip/Chin/Ab/Push-Up is fully welded, so there are no frame bolts and therefore no shimmy. That also means there’s virtually nothing to worry about in terms of maintenance.

3153 Dip/Chin/Ab/Push-Up Dimensions

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