Continuum 8-Foot Double Bar Connector – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Continuum 8-Foot Double Bar Connector

Model #3903-8C2

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Continuum 8-Foot Double Bar Connector

Model #3903-8C2



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Fully welded.
  • Available in any powder coat color.
  • Use to connect to wall, front-to-back, or side-to-side.


This fully welded 8-Foot Double Bar Connector is the a great longer connector for your Continuum rig. Use it to connect one Continuum Lifting Station to another–side-to-side or front to back–for eight feet in between lifting stations. That allows ample room for upper body exercises or equipment storage while providing more stability than a single bar. Each of the bars on the 8-Foot Double Bar Connector measure 1 3/8 inches in diameter.

Textured Black is the recommended finish for all pull-up bars of this system, as it offers more friction and grip than the usual glossy powder coat finishes. Changing the powder coat finish of Continuum Series crossmembers to anything other than Textured Black will incur a Two Tone finishing charge.

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