Combo Cage – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Combo Cage

Model #3230

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Combo Cage

Model #3230



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Two-inch hole spacing graduating to one inch for loading and spotting.
  • Elevated base bars accommodate extra wide sumo stances.
  • Each side is a single welded piece for the ultimate in rigidity.
  • Removable band pegs for top/bottom of cage.
  • Wide grip pull-up bar.
  • UHMW-wrapped Olympic plate storage.


The Legend Fitness Combo Cage is a true power lifting cage. It features one-inch incremental loading and spotting graduating to two inches for a total of 41 adjustment points. Elevated base bars accommodate extra wide sumo stances. The Combo Cage comes with adjustable band pegs on both the top and bottom of the cage. The set-up also includes a floating wide-grip pull-up bar, weight plate storage, and band storage pegs.

3230 Combo Cage Dimensions

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