Accessory Rack – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

Accessory Rack

Model #3159

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Accessory Rack

Model #3159



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor


  • Fully welded construction.
  • Frame and peg wearguards.
  • Rubber-lined top tray.


Clean your room! Ever heard that before? Well a clean gym is a safe one, and this Accessory Rack will help keep it that way. Gather all of your training accessories, elastic bands, jump ropes, whatever, and store them in one convenient location. Fully welded three by three inch construction along with ABS plastic scuff guards and peg surrounds means the Accessory Rack was built to last a lifetime. The foam rubber-lined top tray keeps miscellaneous accessories in place or can be used to keep water bottles off the floor. Available in any of our powder coat colors so it will fit in nicely.

Accessory Rack 3159

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