96-Inch Back-to-Back Connector for Modular Series Cages – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

96-Inch Back-to-Back Connector for Modular Series Cages

Model #3263-96BC

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96-Inch Back-to-Back Connector for Modular Series Cages

Model #3263-96BC



“American Made in the USA with American Steel & Labor



The 96-Inch Back-to-Back Connector is for connecting Modular Series cages back to back. Because of bolt hole placement and differences in mounting brackets, this connector can only be used for this purpose. It features a floating, angled wide-grip pull-up bar on one side and neutral grip rods on the other.  Both grips are capped with foam rubber grips. This connector is pre-drilled for Swivel-Grip Pull-Up Handles or other accessories, like a TRX suspension system or a punching bag.

The 96-Inch Back-to-Back Connector is the best choice for the most space. Looking for a similar, but shorter connector? A 72-Inch Back-to-Back Connector is available too.

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