3 Ways to Save Time During Your Workout – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

October 5, 2018

3 Ways to Save Time During Your Workout

3 Ways to Save Time During Your Workout

Between work, family, and everything else you’re trying to balance, finding time for exercise isn’t always a priority. Whether the gym is part of your routine or you’re looking for more ways to squeeze it in, there are still lots of ways to maximize your workout. Get the most out of your new routine with our tips on how to save time during your workout.

Compound Exercises

Avoid isolated motions that focus on one specific muscle, like hamstring curls or leg extensions. To trim down on time, do sets of compound exercises that use multiple muscle groups like squats that work your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. We aren’t suggesting only practice compound moves, but if you’re trying to get in and out of the gym quickly, you can work more groups in less time. Plus, these full-body moves are great for beginners.

High-Intensity Interval Training

High-intensity interval training, also known as HIIT, saves you time and speeds up fat burning. While it’s not one of the easiest exercises, it is one you’ll see a high return on your activity. The strategy for a HIIT workout is roughly ten minutes of full, all out movement split up by quick rest periods in between. It’s a great cardio workout that brings intense fat burning and improved endurance. You can go for as long or as short as you need, either way, bring everything you’ve got to the workout portion and keep the rest to a minimum when you can.

Plan Ahead

This last one may seem a bit obvious, but it’s a tip that is quickly forgotten. Don’t walk in without a strategy. Otherwise, you may be standing around trying to figure out where you need even to start. Before you workout your water bottle should already be full, your headphones untangled, and your exercises thought out. Value your workout time and keep the distractions and things you can do outside of the gym to a minimum.

The next time you want to squeeze in a quick trip to the gym, consider these three tips to help you save time during your workout. You can build your entire routine around them and find more time for everything else. Don’t have time to make it to a gym, but want to be ready for your workout? Reach out to a Legend Fitness sales rep to learn how you can find machines that best fit your speedy workout routine.

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