Q&A With IFBB Pro Whitney Jones, a Legend Fitness Sponsored Athlete – Legend Fitness Commercial-Grade Strength Equipment Made in USA

July 29, 2016

Q&A With IFBB Pro Whitney Jones, a Legend Fitness Sponsored Athlete

Whitney Jones IFBB Pro

If you follow us on Instagram, you may have seen that back in mid-June we had IFBB Fitness Pro Whitney Jones in our shop helping us shoot some photos and videos on some of our SelectEDGE machines. Since you’ll likely be seeing more photos and video of Whitney soon, we figured a little question and answer session with her would be a good introduction to one of our incredible sponsored athletes.

Whitney is the kind of woman who seems to do anything and everything. She’s a wife, a mother to two boys, an IFBB Fitness competitor, and the owner of Pro Physiques, a gym in Gilbert, Arizona, where she is also a personal trainer and competition prep coach. She admits to being a snowboarding fanatic and is interested in anything adventurous (like skydiving), or anything that makes her laugh. Our time spent with Whitney was full of awe at her strength and physique as well as laughs—she really is a ball of fire! We enjoyed working with her as much as we did getting to know her better. Now it’s your turn.

LF: How long have you been an IFBB competitor?
WJ: I began competing in my first figure and fitness competition in the summer of 2010 as an amateur at the local Arizona show. From there I moved up the ranks to compete at a National level and in less than one year I received my Pro card establishing me as an IFBB Fitness Pro. I am fortunate enough to get to travel the world representing the United States and competing in countries like Brazil, Spain, Germany, Australia, China, Canada and of course the United States. As of the beginning of this 2016 season, I have competed in a total of 22 Pro shows and have never placed outside the top 10. I am currently ranked 2
nd in the world and have graced the prestigious Fitness Olympia stage three times and have been invited to compete in 9 Arnold Classic International competitions. 

LF: What drew you to IFBB Fitness competition?
WJ: Growing up and through college I was a dancer and cheerleader so performing was always so much fun for me. When I learned about the fitness division, I was drawn to it because it was a huge challenge to not only get yourself in peak condition with proper diet, workouts and cardio so you can present a stellar physique on stage but then you also had to do a two-minute routine on top of it. That seemed insane but I’m always up for a challenge. I loved that you could put your own creativity into what you bring to the stage and that’s the most appealing to me. I choose my own music and do all my own mixes and choreograph my own routines so it’s a perfect outlet for me to channel my creative side as I prep for each show. And I’m always trying to up my game and learn new flips, skills, breakdancing moves or anything that seems fun so it’s a constant challenge to see how far I can push myself.   

LF: What keeps you motivated?
WJ: I have two little boys that I constantly strive to set a good example for regarding giving your all to your goals. I also coach athletes all over the country who compete and that helps keep me motivated because I won’t ever ask others to do something if I won’t do it myself. This philosophy helps me banish any excuses I may have to not give everything 100% effort. I don’t allow my clients to give me excuses so I won’t allow myself to make excuses.   

LF: What are your goals in terms of being a role model to other competitors?
WJ: I love this question because honestly this is so important to me. This sport is tough and very competitive and with the popularity it’s just going to continue to grow. But as a competitor, if you just focus on the outcome of the show or how you place, then you are wasting the opportunity to benefit from so many aspects of the journey to the stage. Our sport isn’t like a race where whoever crosses the finish line first is the clear cut winner, our sport is subjective. If athletes don’t realize this early on then they’re setting themselves up for failure. It’s not just about the transformation from the outside but this sport is just as tough mentally as it is physically. Most competitors learn so many things about themselves as they go through the stages of prepping for a show. It takes dedication, focus, a desire to push past your comfort zone and get a feel for what you’re truly capable of. The journey is filled with joys and sacrifices and many ups and downs but how you handle it all can teach you a lot about yourself. The accomplishment of pushing through it all and making it to the stage is the characteristics of a winner. Everything you achieved and what you’ve worked hard for has already been done before you step in front of the judges and if you’ve given it your all and did everything you needed to get there, then you’ve already won. And nobody can take that away from you. But you have to believe that and you have to stop and recognize all the little lessons along the way.  

LF: Was starting your own gym a result of some of those goals?
WJ: No, actually those goals came about as I became more involved as a contest prep coach. But my gym Pro Physiques in Arizona is not just for contest prep competitors. Our gym is for anyone and everyone who is looking to get in the best shape of their life. We train men and women from all fitness levels with a variety of weight loss and fitness goals. Helping others lead healthy lives and positively impacting their lives and their future is what I’m passionate about. Coaching contest prep athletes is just one aspect of our business at Pro Physiques, but our company trains athletes locally in Arizona as well as clients all over the country via online training. However, the goal of making sure each person recognizes the lessons they learn throughout their journey and helping them to celebrate and acknowledge all the little successes along the way applies to anyone and everyone we work with. 

LF: How did you come to hear about Legend Fitness?
WJ: I travel a lot for my job and love to try out gyms in each city I visit. I would regularly see Legend Fitness equipment throughout various destinations and I always loved some of their unique pieces. Then Pierre reached out to me two years ago and mentioned their company was looking to work with specific athletes who they felt would be a great representative for their brand. I was flattered and honored because I was well aware of what a great company Legend Fitness is and I have been fortunate to be working with y’all since that day. 

LF: What is your favorite thing about Legend Fitness equipment?
WJ: I love the unique equipment that the Legend Fitness team develops and have always been impressed with the extensive process that is involved with getting a new product researched, designed, tested and added to their line. Everything is methodical and nothing goes unnoticed. The caliber of details that goes into each piece to ensures they only produce high quality equipment is honorable. As a gym owner having good, reliable equipment in your gym is a reflection of the quality of your own business.  

LF: What three pieces of Legend Fitness equipment would you consider essential for anyone looking to build muscle?
WJ: These are my favorite pieces: The LeverEDGE Unilateral Trap Shrug/Lunge/Deadlift, the Squat Machine with Calf Blaster, and the PRO SERIES Glute/Ham Developer.

LF: What are your goals going forward?
WJ: Professionally our goals for Pro Physiques is to expand our current location in Arizona as our growth has demanded. We also don’t want to put geographical limits on the number of people we can help to better their lives, so the launch of online training has helped us to achieve that. We will focus on growing that branch of the businesses well. As for my fitness career, I am currently prepping for the 2017 Ms. Fitness Olympia and this will be my 4th time qualifying for this event. The Olympia is like the Super Bowl of our sport. So my goal is to place in a top sport and continue the success I’ve been fortunate enough to have on stage. 

LF: What advice would you give to gym owners?
WJ: Take the time to strategically map out your floor plan or work with Legend Fitness in the design stages of your gym layout. It truly matters and their expertise is so valuable. And invest in good gym equipment. If you try to skimp on quality when purchasing your gym equipment you will most likely end up paying more in the long run due to repairs and replacements than if you would’ve just worked with a reputable company in the first place. 

LF: Thanks, Whitney, for taking the time to chat with us!

For more about Whitney, follow her on Twitter and Instagram, and if you’re ever in the Phoenix, Arizona area, stop by her gym, Pro Physiques. Special thanks to her for making a special trip here to Knoxville to spend some time with us!

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